Obituary Cocktail
Obituary Cocktail
The Obituary Cocktail is a classic gin cocktail that dates back to the early 1900s. It is a simple yet elegant drink that is perfect for any occasion. The Obituary Cocktail is made with Gin, Dry Vermouth, and Absinthe. This cocktail was created by Harry Craddock, who was the head bartender at the Savoy Hotel in London. The Obituary Cocktail is named after a newspaper column that was published in the London Times. This column was used to announce the death of famous people. The Obituary Cocktail is a fitting tribute to those who have passed away. The Obituary Cocktail has a strong gin flavor with a hint of absinthe. The dry vermouth helps to balance out the flavors and makes for a smooth cocktail. The Absinthe gives the Obituary Cocktail a slight anise flavor and a green tint. The Obituary Cocktail is a refreshing and flavorful drink that is perfect for any gathering.
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