Jungle Bird
Jungle Bird
The Jungle Bird is made with Black Rum, Apértif Liqueur, Demerara Syrup, Pineapple Juice, and Lime Juice. It has a tropical flavor with a hint of citrus from the lime juice. The black rum gives it a nice sweetness, while the pineapple juice and apértif liqueur add to the tropical flavor. The demerara syrup provides a bit of depth and richness, while the lime juice gives it a nice tartness. The Jungle Bird was created in 1978 at the Aviary Bar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was invented by bartender, Mr. Ong Sim Beng. So why is it called the Jungle Bird? Well, there are two theories. The first is that the drink was named after a Malaysian bird species known as the Black-naped Oriole. This theory makes sense because the original version of the drink was made with dark rum, which is similar in color to the Black-naped Oriole. The second theory is that the drink was named after a popular 1970s disco song called “Jungle Boogie” by Kool & The Gang. This theory is supported by the fact that the Aviary Bar where the Jungle Bird was invented was known for its disco parties. No matter which theory you believe, one thing is for sure – the Jungle Bird is a delicious tropical cocktail that is perfect for sipping on a hot day. So next time you're looking for a refreshing summertime drink, be sure to give the Jungle Bird a try!
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