Gin Rickey
Gin Rickey
Gin Rickey is a refreshing, tart and slightly sweet cocktail made with Gin, Lime Juice, and Soda Water, and it's believed to have originated in Washington D.C. in the late 1880s. Interestingly, the Gin Rickey was actually named after a man – Colonel Joe Rickey. Colonel Rickey was a famous gambler and politician who was known for his love of drinking (and sometimes over-drinking). According to legend, he once asked a bartender to make him a drink that would wake him up and help him sober up at the same time. The bartender mixed together gin, lime juice and soda water, and the Gin Rickey was born. Today, the Gin Rickey is a popular summer cocktail that's enjoyed by gin lovers all over the world. If you're looking for an easy-to-make drink, the Gin Rickey is the perfect choice.
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