Ghostbuster is a type of cocktail that is made with Peach Flavored Schnapps, Melon Flavored Liqueur, and Irish Cream Liqueur. The drink gets its name from the fact that it is said to be able to ""ghost"" people - that is, make them disappear. The history of the Ghostbuster is a bit of a mystery. It is believed to have originated in the United States sometime in the 1970s or 1980s. There are many different recipes for the drink, but all of them include the three aforementioned ingredients. So what does a Ghostbuster taste like? The answer to that question depends on who you ask. Some people say that it tastes like a melted peach popsicle, while others say that it tastes like diluted Irish cream. Regardless of what it tastes like, the Ghostbuster is a refreshing and flavorful cocktail that is perfect for Halloween!
For the full recipe, download the Barsys App.