Beet Rose
Beet Rose
The Beet Rose is a refreshing and unique cocktail made with Vodka, Prosecco Sparkling Wine, Beet Juice, and Lemon Juice. Wine and beet juice may not sound like a match made in heaven, but the Beet Rose is surprisingly delicious. The earthy taste of the beets pairs perfectly with the crisp, dry Prosecco, and the lemon juice adds a touch of sweetness and acidity. As for the vodka, it does not have a super prominent taste. The Beet Rose is a unique cocktail that has a bit of a storied history. Some say that the drink was created in the early 2000s by mixologist Dale DeGroff, while others claim that it originated in the 1970s at New York's famed Studio 54 nightclub. Regardless of its origins, the Beet Rose has become a popular cocktail in recent years, thanks to its refreshing and unique flavor profile. So, whether you're looking for something different to serve at your next party or simply want to try a new and interesting cocktail, the Beet Rose is definitely worth giving a try. Cheers!
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