Bed of Roses
Bed of Roses
The Bed of Roses is a refreshing cocktail that combines Digestif Liqueur, Lemon Juice, Grenadine Syrup, and Lime Juice. The lemon juice and lime juice give it a fresh citrus flavor, while the grenadine syrup adds a touch of sweetness. The Digestif Liqueur gives the drink a slightly alcoholic kick. The origin of the Bed of Roses is unknown, but it is believed to date back to the early 1900s. It was likely created in the United States, though its exact origins are unclear. The drink became popular in the 1920s and 1930s, when many Americans were looking for new and innovative cocktail recipes. The Bed of Roses remained a popular choice throughout the years, and today it is still enjoyed by many people. This cocktail is a refreshing and tart drink that is perfect for summer sipping!
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