Tequila Sunrise
Tequila Sunrise
The Tequila Sunrise is a refreshing and flavorful cocktail made with Tequila, Fresh Orange Juice, and Grenadine Syrup. The cocktail tastes fruity and slightly sweet with a kick of tequila. The orange juice and grenadine give the drink a beautiful orange color, while the lime juice adds a tartness that balances out the sweetness. The drink gets its name from the way the colors resemble a sunrise. The Tequila Sunrise is believed to have originated in the 1930s in Tijuana, Mexico. The earliest known recipe for the drink appeared in a Mexican cookbook from 1934. The popularity of the Tequila Sunrise grew in the 1970s when it was featured in several Hollywood films such as The Long Goodbye and The Hangover. The drink became even more popular after being mentioned in the Eagle's song ""Tequila Sunrise."" Today, the Tequila Sunrise is enjoyed by people all over the world. Whether you're looking for a refreshing summertime cocktail or a festive holiday drink, the Tequila Sunrise is sure to please. So grab a glass and enjoy!
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