

Mom's Apple Pie cocktail is a deliciously sweet and spicy drink that's as American as apple pie itself. Legend has it that it was born in the 60s, and it's the perfect Mother's Day cocktail because, well, it's got ""Mom"" in the name! But let's be real, it's perfect for any day. So, whip up a batch and share a toast with your mom - she deserves it! Cheers!

Serving Sizes


Mama's Margarita is a classic cocktail from Mexico that's perfect for any occasion, especially Mother's Day. It's easy to make and easy to drink, and named after the most important woman in your life. Whip up a batch and share a toast with your mom - it's sure to bring a smile to her face! Salud!

Serving Sizes


The Warm Embrace cocktail is the ultimate comfort drink and perfect for celebrating Mother's Day. Its origins are mysterious, but it's a cozy concoction of cognac, spiced pear syrup, lemon juice, and hot water, garnished with a cinnamon stick. This cocktail symbolizes the warmth and love of our moms, who always give us a comforting embrace when we need it most. So, cuddle up with your mom, sip on a Warm Embrace, and let her know how much she means to you. Cheers!

Serving Sizes

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